Discover Vietnam with a buddy at your side.
Why not create more meaningful travel with the help and guidance of local buddies and travel experts.
For your next trip to Vietnam – Download the TUBUDD App and book a buddy to help you navigate the nuances of Vietnam and enjoy a more meaningful experience in your location.
Special Offer: 5% Discount on All Bookings with Code KERRYVN5 at TUBUDD
Discover Vietnam like never before with Tubudd! As a supporter of the "What About Vietnam" podcast, you can now enjoy a 5% discount on all bookings using the code KERRYVN5.
Tubudd is your go-to platform, connecting you with local experts for personalized and authentic experiences in Vietnam. Whether you're diving into the rich culture, managing healthcare needs, or handling business affairs, Tubudd ensures a seamless and enriching experience.
Services Provided by Tubudd
Travel Buddy
Description: Immerse yourself in Vietnam's vibrant culture with the help of our enthusiastic Local Buddies. They tailor your itinerary, providing deep insights into local life, history, and cuisine, ensuring each journey is unique and unforgettable.
Pricing: Starting from $5/hour. Get a 5% discount for bookings made using Code KERRYN5
Health Buddy
Description: Overcome language barriers and smoothly navigate medical appointments with our Health Buddies. They connect you with trusted hospitals and clinics, offering the latest information and translation services for a stress-free healthcare journey.
Support your visits to our dental and beauty procedures through Worldwide dental and beauty Hospital :
Talk to us at What About Vietnam for more supportive services through this arrangement with Worldwide.
Business Assistant
Description: Streamline your business trips with our Business Assistants. They handle paperwork, translation, and market research, leveraging their industry expertise to ensure efficient business operations in Vietnam.
To get your 5% discount on all bookings. Apply the code KERRYVN5