What About Vietnam | Travel Podcasts | Series 2, Episode 1, Hoi An - Taking a step back in time
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Hoi An - Taking a step back in time

Episode 1

Hoi An - Taking a step back in time
00:00 / 10:57

Xin Chao and hello everyone, welcome to What about Vietnam, - The Traveler Experience series,

This is going to be the series where we get to talk to previous travelers to Vietnam. And some of those have actually decided to make Vietnam their home. Let me introduce Paul Simpson today as my guest

I met Paul about three years ago. You will soon discover Paul is a very well educated and traveled person and he just fell in love with Vietnam a bit like me,

Paul is going to share with you some of the history of Hoi An. A city that dates back to the 16th century in some areas.. So there are some spice tales to tell. Please welcome Paul Simpson to the show. I'm sure you're going to learn a lot more about Hoi An through his experience.

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