The virus plaguing our world at the moment is a 'hot' topic

and on the mind of all travellers, no matter where they are traveling.
#Vietnam as a country which borders China and received over 4 million tourists last year was quick to implement strategies to mitigate the risk of further contamination, and to keep elements of fear and concern at a reasonable and rational level. Has that been achieved?
What we know as of today 17.2.2020
It's a fact. There is a lot of media out there about the #Coronavirus epidemic/pandemic – #COVID -19 sending elements of fear into the minds of potential travellers to Vietnam.
It's fair to say that many travellers have concerns. Based on perception or fact, they remain real.
Let us take a look at what we know so far to hopefully put things in perspective.
Lets first address the most recent news concerning a community of 10,000 people being quarantined to their village in Son Loi, approximately 60kms north of Hanoi;
This recent quarantine measure in Son Loi is an example of Vietnam’s quick and decisive approach to mitigating risk. The community reported a 50-year-old man in Sơn Lôi Commune, Bình Xuyên District in Vĩnh Phúc Province. He is the father of a 23-year-old patient among eight Vietnamese workers sent to Wuhan for training last November and confirmed positive for the virus in January. To stamp out any further spread, the government acted promptly by zoning off, and quarantining the affected region in total.

This approach, along with the following key actions has meant that in a population of approximately 96.2 million people, Vietnam has reported only 16 cases. Thankfully with good medical care, 7 of the patients have recovered and been released after receiving treatment.
Please see below some of the current Vietnam Government strategies in place to mitigate risk and manage the spread of the virus:-
1. Closure of overland border crossings between China and Vietnam. Travellers in more remote border crossings into Vietnam are being denied entry if they possess any China visa history in their passport.
2. Vietnam stopped issuing visas for Chinese tourists on January 30 as a temporary measure. Flights to and from mainland China are suspended indefinitely.
3. Foreign visitors who have visited China (including transit) 14 days prior to arrival will also be denied entry into Vietnam.
4. Epidemic prevention training has been implemented for flight crews.
5. 14 day quarantine of all travellers from affected areas in China
6. Increased disease screening at International points of entry
7. 4 hospitals designated by the ministry of health to handle potential cases
8. Increased prevention measures adopted at all health care facilities
9. 45 Quick Response Medical teams to set up and manage hospitals nationwide to handle cases if they appear.
10. Cancellation of many festivals in Vietnam
11. Temporary closure of public schools in 63 provinces
12. Zone off and quarantine of affected areas in Vinh Phuc Province for 20 days
It is important to keep things in perspective and note that while the Virus has appeared worldwide:- In regard to Vietnam: * The first confirmed cases of COVID-19 appeared in Vietnam on Jan. 23, 2020. Of the confirmed infections in Vietnam to date, 13 are Vietnamese, two are Chinese and one is American.
The confirmed infections were found in the northern province of Vinh Phuc (11), in Ho Chi Minh City (3), Nha Trang in Khanh Hoa province (1), and Thanh Hoa (1).

Vietnam tour companies and allied businesses are taking their own steps to manage traveller safety. Many businesses are being fully trained and versed in all the recommended Government safety measures. In addition, eateries are paying extra attention to their cooking processes and quality of ingredients used.
Whilst the virus continues to plague our world, in Vietnam you can see everyone is doing their best to ensure traveller safety and protect their borders. Like many other countries Vietnam is feeling the pinch badly, and wants to allay as many concerns as possible for its tourists.
Please see below the links that may provide you more in-depth information.
I hope this article helps you make an informed decision about your next trip and we look forward to seeing you in Vietnam very soon.
Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any further queries.